Our involvement in the recent WeMakeEvents protest in the centre of Bristol, was a landmark moment for the city, highlighting a very real threat posed to our industry.
Bristol is a creative city but during the last year, we haven’t seen much of the artistic and creative spirit that our home city is renowned for.
Is it really a pivot, if you’re using the same skills to reach a different goal?
There’s been a lot of talk lately about pivoting and adapting and a recent project we delivered got me thinking about what this actually means.
We were recently approached by a local authority in the South West to provide a project management and delivery service for the creation of rapid, lateral flow testing centres. Now you’d look at this on face value and say; wow, Ben that’s quite a step change…
For many of us in the event industry, 2020 will be a year that will live long in the memory, whether we want it to or not.
Throughout those 12 months, the challenges that we’ve faced have been many and often. Uncertainty and indecision aren’t words you often associate with our profession. But they were words we began to hear too frequently…